Gain Canopy Square Footage Without Sacrificing Quality

Gain Canopy Square Footage Without Sacrificing Quality

Gain Canopy Square Footage Without Sacrificing Quality

First and foremost, having a seamless and effective workflow is essential for scaling an indoor farming cultivation facility. 

Gaining square footage without purchasing more space or increasing facility costs is essential to maximize productivity and profits. This is where vertical farming comes in to elevate operations. 

However, facilities may face some common issues after converting from single-tier to multi-tier indoor farming. One of the biggest things that gets overlooked while scaling is losing accessibility and how easy it is for your employees to manage the cultivation space.

When designing your Vertical Grow Rack System, it is critical to consider ergonomics. There has been debate about a 4 ft wide rack versus a 5 ft wide rack. A 5 ft wide vertical grow rack might allow for a few more plants per level, but the benefit does not outweigh the risk of the challenge that extra foot creates for your employees and your plants. Gaining square footage while sacrificing comfort in the workplace should not be the goal.

A 5 ft or wider vertical grow rack creates a challenge ergonomically for your employees to service the center or underside of the canopy. Additionally, the plants along the perimeter of the tray can be damaged while your team is reaching over the canopy. 

So how do you gain canopy square footage without sacrificing quality? Make the switch to the industry-leading provider in mobile vertical grow racking systems – Pipp Horticulture.


Vertical Air Solutions
Mobile Vertical Grow Racks

With over 40 years of experience in mobile storage, Pipp Horticulture has delivered products quickly and efficiently all over North America and Europe. Pipp has a team of in-house professional engineers, CAD designers, sales support, and experienced cannabis operators to provide partners with unparalleled support before and after the equipment installation to ensure operational success.

Another feature of the Pipp system is that it boasts a smaller footprint – with each rack only spanning 4 ft. instead of the standard 5 ft. These elements working together makes servicing the innermost parts of your canopy a breeze.



Watch as Director of Cultivation James Cunningham discusses the most effective ways to service your canopy in the video below.

Some other key benefits of Pipp Horticulture include:

Low Cost


Dependable & Trusted

Easy Integration

2nd Level Vertical Farming

Partner With The Leading Provider of Moveable Vertical Farming Solutions

Our mobile grow racksGreenhaus tray systems, and vertical air solutions allow cultivators to maximize space in cultivation production and post-harvest processing facilities through vertical farming. Implementing our mobile cultivation racks will increase production by maximizing the cubic canopy footprint without increasing the square footprint of the room or building. Vertical farming maximizes production capability, reduces operating costs, and increases overall revenue per square foot by 3 times.

You deal directly with the Pipp team because of our factory’s direct sales channel. We design specifically for you, so there are no wasted resources. Pipp’s CAD team will prepare room drawings of your facility, including elevations of the vertical grow systems, to ensure efficient grow space and workflow at affordable rates. Pipp Horticulture also offers professional installation of cannabis grow racks across North America, and all products are proudly made in the USA!

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