We Were Featured on Netflix’s “Rotten”!

Netflix’s Show Rotten

The cannabis industry has definitive ups and downs. While cannabis is an incredible product that can help people live relatively pain-free lives, there are a ton of regulations on different parts of the industry: potency, production and distribution, edibles, and medical vs. recreational use just to name a few. These regulations vary by state and are also more extreme on a federal level. Netflix’s show Rotten is an interesting and informative docuseries that discusses the benefits and downfalls to the cannabis industry and how a change in marijuana laws is affecting legitimate dispensaries and production facilities.

Our Vertical Cannabis Grow Racks and Mobile Carriages in Action

Throughout the episode, aptly named “High on Edibles” (Season 2, Episode 6), a wide range of people related to the cannabis industry are interviewed – edible production businesses, dispensaries, grow facilities, scientists, professors, police officers, and so on. During the interview of one such dispensary, Tokyo Starfish, you can see our vertical cannabis grow racks and mobile carriages in action! Check it out at the 55:37 mark here.

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