Are Indoor Vertical Farms The Future Of Agriculture?

Are Indoor Vertical Farms The Future Of Agriculture?

By 2050, the global population is projected to reach 9.8 billion. Yes, you read that correctly. Major shifts in demographics and climate are causing a strain on the agriculture industry and it is making us ask the question: what is an improved manufacturing process we can implement moving forward? Here we’ll discuss Stuart Oda’s Ted Talk diving into the benefits of controlled indoor farming with vertical racks for vertical farms and just how it may be the solution to sustaining the population. 

The Need For Indoor Farming

Over 68% of the population will be living in urban city centers by the year 2050, only further solidifying the need for higher grow yields in smaller spaces. Production will have to become more efficient and more affordable, and the tools for even the smallest production facilities will have to become more readily available. What better way to go than up?

Freedom Green Farms - Pipp Horticulture Mobile Vertical Grow Racks


More Space, Less Square Footage

Vertical grow racks allow growers to utilize more space with vertical farms without sacrificing square footage. So how does it work? Uprights are pre-welded for fast assembly and strength of vertical racks while beams incorporate a unique tapered finger design attachment that locks beams safely onto uprights. This creates a safe and effective space that actually improves the quality of your growth as opposed to a traditional single-tier system. Allowing small-scale growers to produce bigger yields could be the answer to our growing population.

A Climate-Proof Environment

One of the many benefits of indoor vertical farming is the ability to control climate on all levels of grow. For example, settings may be adjusted based on which level the grow is located and how that affects the room’s overall temperature. Another benefit of multi-level farming is the ability to grow a variety of items adjusted to each individual need. You can’t compare apples to oranges (literally) and different grows to require different climate settings. Vertical farming also allows climate to be changed row by row and artificial lighting from LEDs to replicate natural light and assist in growth. Gone are the days when agriculture is susceptible to Mother Nature’s changing climates.

See how vertical farming all works together in this informative Ted Talk from Stuart Oda:


Moving Forward

Thinking ahead, the need for resources to be grown at a higher quantity and a faster rate is essential to sustaining our population. While it’s evident that some items are completely out of our control, we can, however, control our manufacturing processes. Consider implementing vertical farming now to effectively impact your growth into the future.

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We Were Featured on Netflix’s “Rotten”!

We Were Featured on Netflix’s “Rotten”!

Netflix’s Show Rotten

The cannabis industry has definitive ups and downs. While cannabis is an incredible product that can help people live relatively pain-free lives, there are a ton of regulations on different parts of the industry: potency, production and distribution, edibles, and medical vs. recreational use just to name a few. These regulations vary by state and are also more extreme on a federal level. Netflix’s show Rotten is an interesting and informative docuseries that discusses the benefits and downfalls to the cannabis industry and how a change in marijuana laws is affecting legitimate dispensaries and production facilities.

Our Vertical Cannabis Grow Racks and Mobile Carriages in Action

Throughout the episode, aptly named “High on Edibles” (Season 2, Episode 6), a wide range of people related to the cannabis industry are interviewed – edible production businesses, dispensaries, grow facilities, scientists, professors, police officers, and so on. During the interview of one such dispensary, Tokyo Starfish, you can see our vertical cannabis grow racks and mobile carriages in action! Check it out at the 55:37 mark here.

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Cannabis Grow Facility Using Multi-Tier Grow Racks with Airflow Solutions by Vertical Air Solutions

Urban Wellness

“At Urban Wellness, we believe in utilizing technologies, research and development, and patient input to drive our company into the future. That’s why we’ve collaborated with PIPP Horticulture and Mammoth LED to create a state-of-the-art grow facility.”


PIPP Horticulture is the industry-leading provider of mobile, vertical grow rack systems, helping growers maximize production capability. With over 80,000 cardholders enrolled in the New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program, increasing our production helps us better serve our patients.

Managing a grow facility while maximizing yields—particularly in an urban area— can be difficult, and finding a large enough space can come at a hefty price. By transitioning to vertical farming, we maximize canopy space and more than double production per square foot. Racks are easily moved and adjusted, increasing efficiency and creating a more streamlined workflow in our facility.”

Learn More about how Pipp Horticulture helped Urban Wellness

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